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Unabridged birth certificates

What is the difference between a Vault Birth Certificate and an Unabridged Birth Certificate?

Vault Birth Certificates and Unabridged Birth Certificates The difference between a Vault Birth Certificate and an Unabridged Birth Certificate is significant. Whereas the Unabridged Birth Certificate is simply an officially recognised and issued printout of one’s birth record as it has been captured on the South African Birth and Death Register at the department of Home Affairs, the Vault Birth Certificate is a stamped and signed copy of the original hand written forms completed by the child’s parents or guardians when they originally registered their child.

What information is depicted on a Vault Birth Certificate?

Firstly an applicant will need to motivate their reason for the application for a birth certificate

The full details of the person for whom a Vault Birth Certificate is required are to be stated including:

  • The Person’s Identity Number
  • Surname
  • Maiden Name If A Married Woman
  • Forenames / Christian Names In Full
  • Date of Birth
  • Town / City / Province Of The Person’s birth
  • Birth Entry Number

The Fathers Particulars Including:

  • Surname and Forenames / Christian Names

The Mother’s Particulars Including:

  • Maiden Surname and Forenames / Christian Names

The Details Of The Applicant Including:

  • Surname
  • Surname and Forenames / Christian Names
  • Postal Address
  • Postal Code
  • Work Telephone Number including the dialling code
  • Home Telephone Number including the dialling code

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Vault Birth Certificates and Unabridged Birth Certificates

What is the difference between a Vault Birth Certificate and an Unabridged Birth Certificate?

The difference between a Vault Birth Certificate and an Unabridged Birth Certificate is significant. Whereas the Unabridged Birth Certificate is simply an officially recognised and issued printout of one’s birth record as it has been captured on the South African Birth and Death Register at the department of Home Affairs, the Vault Birth Certificate is a stamped and signed copy of the original hand written forms completed by the child’s parents or guardians when they originally registered their child.

What information is depicted on a Vault Birth Certificate?

Firstly an applicant will need to motivate their reason for the application for a birth certificate

The full details of the person for whom a Vault Birth Certificate is required are to state including:

  • The Person’s Identity Number
  • Surname
  • Maiden Name If A Married Woman
  • Forenames / Christian Names In Full
  • Date of Birth
  • Town / City / Province Of The Person’s birth
  • Birth Entry Number

The Fathers particulars including:

  • Surname and Forenames / Christian Names

The Mother’s particulars including:

  • Maiden Surname and Forenames / Christian Names


The details of the applicant including:

  • Surname
  • Surname and Forenames / Christian Names
  • Postal Address
  • Postal Code
  • Work Telephone Number including the dialling code
  • Home Telephone Number including the dialling code