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South African Unabridged Birth Certificates

No Unabridged Birth Certificate – No Travel

Do you urgently require a South African unabridged birth certificate? Did you know that it can take up to 8 weeks if you apply for it yourself the conventional way through Home Affairs?

Let Q–Pro take the grind out of applying for this essential document and save yourself some time. We will verify that your application is correct, queue on your behalf, and we will even liaise with home affairs officials regarding the processing of your request so you don’t have to. We will then inform you when the document is ready for collection and even queue for you until the last minute, thus saving you unnecessary time.

Presentation of Unabridged Birth Certificates by parents, guardians and others travelling internationally with minor children under 18 years of age into and out of South Africa became mandatory since the 26th of May 2014. Without these documents, travelers will not be allowed to enter or leave the country with minor children. The measure was introduced to comply with the Home Affairs Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act 18 of 2010 which became effective on the 1st of March 2014 and to thwart child trafficking and kidnapping attempts as the new document depicts all the most pertinent information about the parents including the parent’s full names, id numbers, their citizenship details and status.

It’s important to note that in addition to the new unabridged birth certificates, parents, guardians and others travelling with minors are also required to present various supporting documents.

Don’t delay, kick start the application process today.

Simply fill out the form and a friendly Q-Pro consultant will contact you to finalise the details. We bear the queues so that you don’t have to.