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Unabridged Birth Certificates Q & A

Q: I will be travelling with my wife and children to Mauritius in January to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. My eldest son, currently 17 years of age will turn 18 whilst in Mauritius. Do I still need an unabridged birth certificate for him?

A: Yes, as your son is still legally a minor when you depart on your holiday, he is still subject to the new South African Immigration regulations and will be required to present his unabridged birth certificate as well as a valid passport upon exiting South African borders. As he is travelling with both his parents, no further documentation will be required.

Q: I am recently widowed and will be travelling abroad with my son and daughter to visit family. What additional documentation do I require?

A: In terms of the South African Immigration act published on the 1st June 2015, in addition to a valid passport and the necessary visas if required, you will need to present a death certificate for your children’s father. If your deceased husband was not the father of your children, you will require an affidavit that is not less than 3 months old, expressing the child’s father’s consent or alternatively a court order granting you full legal parental responsibilities enabling you to accompany the minor/s abroad.

Do you need an unabridged birth certificate but simply don’t have the time to queue at Home affairs? Q-Pro can help. Simply fill out the form below and a friendly and experienced consultant will call you to discuss your requirements.

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Q-Pro Document Services

Q-Pro document services specialises in facilitating the application of critical personal documents for time poor clients.

E-mail: info@q-pro.co.za

Address: 79 Jackson Street, Brackenhurst, 1448

Phone – Local South Africa: 011 499 4020

Phone – International: + 27 11 499 4020

Business Hours: 08h00 – 16h30, Monday – Friday