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Unabridged birth certificates

Traveling with kids without their Unabridged Birth Certificates can ground you before you even take off.

Don’t delay, apply for your certificates now…

Unabridged Birth Certificates as issued by the South African Home Affairs department after March of 2013 contain the full particulars of parents including:

  • Both parents’ identity numbers,
  • Their full names,
  • City of their birth
  • Parents citizenship and status

In accordance with the Home Affairs Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act 18 of 2010 which became effective on the 1st of March 2014, all parents, guardians or persons travelling internationally accompanied by minor children under the age of 18 are required to present a new Unabridged Birth Certificate for each child in their care. This is in addition to other documents that may be required.

Despite being given a generous grace period before the requirement came into force, this new requirement has caused much consternation among international travelers with children travelling to or from South Africa.

Travelers not complying with the new regulations will be prevented from travelling to their  destinations.

If you simply don’t have the hours and hours required to queue at your local home affairs office, simply contact Queue-Pro and we will do the slog for you. We will queue at home affairs on your behalf, we will also verify that your documents are in order, with no omissions prior to handing in your application. Finally, as we are in constant contact with Home affairs officials, we will be able to inform you as to when the documents are able to be collected, saving you hours and hours of wasted time standing unnecessarily in queues.

To proceed with your application simply complete the form below and expert Q-Pro consultant will call you to finalise your application. We bear the queues so that you don’t have to.