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Is your child travelling on an international school trip and you need an Unabridged Birth Certificate?

All minors under the age of 18 are required to present to a South African Immigration officer an unabridged birth certificate prior to exiting or entering South African borders. This is a requirement irrespective of who a child is accompanied by, i.e., parent or parents, legal guardians, teachers etc. No exceptions will be made.

South African Home Affairs have since the 14 March 2013 issued Unabridged Birth Certificates to all newborns registered after this date at no additional cost. Minor children born before this date will require the new certificate prior to travelling abroad.

How long does it take to receive an Unabridged Birth Certificate?

Expect to wait upwards of 8 weeks to receive your document if you apply directly at your local Home Affairs Office. However, Q-Pro is able to obtain these certificates within 7 – 14 days for our clients. It is prudent to ensure that one has these documents in one’s possession prior to confirming international flight tickets and hotel accommodation as a child will not be allowed through SA immigration without this certificate and airlines will not allow one to board their overseas flights where this document is not presented at check in.

In order to apply for this certificate the following documentation is required:

  • Original or certified copies both parents identity documents
  • The child’s ID number
  • Completed BI-24 Form, to be completed with black ink pen

Planning a trip to or from South Africa? Be sure to contact Q-Pro who will assist you to source these valuable documents without which you will be unable to travel abroad.

Skip the queues, complete the form below and a friendly Q-Pro consultant will contact you to finalise the sourcing of your documents expeditiously.