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Schools now require Unabridged Birth Certificates as part of their registration process.

More and more schools now require an Unabridged Birth Certificate as part of their learner registration applications.

Under the National Education Policy Act 1996 (27/1996), all South African schools are required to legally verify a learner’s biological parents. Although many parents make a declaration to schools regarding a child’s parentage, their statements are sometimes found to be false, placing the school in a legal quagmire, therefore more and more schools are turning to Unabridged Birth Certificates as unequivocal proof of a child’s parentage and are requiring that these documents be submitted as part of the registration process.

Unabridged Birth Certificates required for minors travelling in and out of South African borders.

Although more expensive than normal birth certificates, Unabridged Birth Certificates will also be required if you are planning to travel abroad on holiday, or if your child is likely to travel internationally as part of a sports or cultural team or on an international travel excursion with fellow classmates.

Please be aware of the potential delays in obtaining these documents which can take from 8 – 12 weeks to process from the date of application. Where Unabridged Birth Certificates are required urgently, we strongly recommend that the services of a document sourcing company such as Q-Pro be contracted who can source these documents within 7 – 14 days from date of application. It is imperative to have these documents in hand prior to the arranging of any international flights or travel arrangements.

If you intend registering your child in a new school, if your child is due to travel internationally as part of a sports or cultural team, be sure to contact Q-Pro who will assist you to source these valuable documents without which you will be unable to travel abroad.

Simply fill out the form and a friendly Q-Pro consultant will contact you to finalise the sourcing of your documents expeditiously.